This outlook is rampant today due to the one-way conversation and practice which prevails in today’s education system. It’s generally the teacher doing all the research and talking while the students are barely listening or learning anything! Project based learning (PBL) is a fun alternative to the existing leaden way of imparting knowledge to students. It involves practicing of critical thinking, collaboration and communication which prepare students to adapt the real world with a sense of leadership. It is about connecting classroom learning to its applications in the outside world. In a nutshell, it’s a better and effective way to learn.
So Why is this ‘Better Way’ not Trending?
Firstly, it entails the integration and infusion of right tech tools for more effective learning which is not feasible when the technology here is mostly confined to a computer lab and executing PBL when class sizes approach forty gets onerous and often impossible. Secondly, the whole process of PBL is extortionate. It requires highly qualified, motivated and innovative teachers with an analytical approach. However, teaching doesn’t always draw the best candidates due to the unfavorable salaries offered and hence to comprise PBL salaries have to be increased which proves to be expensive for the institution and later the students. Moreover, we still follow the education system which is the 20th century foundation of the British. Institutions of higher learning are churning out people with degrees who barely have any skills in dealing with problems and other people. Consequently, most students are used to the mediocrity and are more rapt towards adequate marks rather than learning. Getting a decent paying job is customarily what they aspire for. The goal of PBL is incompatible with the latter. Therefore, in this ambience of traditional learning, Project Based Learning is perplexing and difficult to accept. Hence, PBL is not getting popular regardless of the wide-ranging benefits it has to offer the students and the country. Despite of the challenges that Project Based Learning faces, it is worth the money, time and effort as it can broaden the whole horizon of thinking and create new entrepreneurs, thinkers, scientists, writers, and artists who can push the limits set and establish the foundation of a knowledge based economy, in lieu the low quality service providing nation we are turning into.
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