And yes, you want your comment to look more than just ‘nice pic’ or relevant smiles alone, right? So here, you will find a good collection of comments that you can leave on your friend’s and family members’ status updates. 

Funny Comments for Whatsapp Status

Writing a status comment on WhatsApp is not easy, especially when you want to write one. And especially when this comment is for your bestie’s status, you better know what to write and how to make it memorable, though. Because simply seeing the status is not enough, it’s a good idea to write something to express your genuine feelings.  Also read: Facebook & Instagram Captions for Family Pictures

Nice Whatsapp Status Comments for Girl

When it comes to writing comments for girls, you better write something that justifies her beauty and personality. So take a look at some nice comments that you can leave on the status update of a girl from your gang that will make her day overall.  Also read: Trending Whatsapp Group Names For Engaging Community

Good Whatsapp Status Comments for Boy

Generally, the boys never take your comments seriously, but that doesn’t mean your words are of no value to him. If your brother or best friend has just updated his Whatsapp status and you want to show that you love it, then the given status comments are the right ones when you don’t know what to write.  Also read: Trending Riddles On Facebook & WhatsApp

Best Comments for Status To Encourage Them

Not every time the Whatsapp status is like bragging about their personality and showing off their attitude. Sometimes, such status is regarding someone’s recent achievement and success they experienced. So, when someone from your family or cousins has updated their status about their recent accomplishment, below, you will find some good comments to add.  Also read: Trending Whatsapp Status To Update/Upload/Post

One Word Whatsapp Status Comments

Normally, you don’t write long comments on someone’s Whatsapp status. Yeah, sending an emoji is the one option. But when you want to share your genuine response, then you can write the shortest comment to share what you feel after seeing their status. Use this one-word comment instead of just seeing the Whatsapp status and still leaving no reaction.  Also read: Amazing Comments for WhatsApp DP [UPDATED]

Final thoughts:

Appropriate emojis are the perfect options if you don’t know what to write on someone’s Whatsapp status. But, when you want to write something short and simple, this list is something you can use to get better ideas.  Do you have any suggestions regarding this post? Let us know in the comment section below. 

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