Check out these four benefits of partnering with an influencer to grow your brand.
Gain new customers
Connecting with influencers is a great way to reach an untapped market. Influencers gain loyalty and trust from their followers, therefore by advocating your brand, they are immediately engaging with a group of prospective consumers. This has huge potential for your brand to grow your target audience organically.
Marketing exposure
Partnerships that develop a strategic marketing plan can deliver an impactful campaign that goes beyond an influencer posting a review of your product on social media. Working collaboratively, the strengths of each brand can be used to create a marketing campaign that involves elements like packaging, merchandise, and special offers. For example, an influencer who posts about embracing an eco-friendly lifestyle will likely have followers that care about the environment. Your joint strategy could consider packaging that is made from fully recyclable materials. By narrowing the focus of each brand and drawing out strengths, you can deliver a marketing campaign that adds real value to your intended audience.
Broaden your audience
Image via Flickr by LeWeb14. Partnering with an influencer who targets a different audience will introduce your brand to a completely new customer base. For example, if you are a business in the fitness industry, you could partner with an influencer who targets mothers. Your joint message could be based around healthy eating and fitness for the whole family. Whatever your angle, use it to broaden your reach and connect with a new audience.
Create new ways of marketing
Traditional advertising methods are a thing of the past. Partnering with influencers gives you the freedom and opportunity to market your brand in a number of different ways. In order to retain your audience’s attention, doing something unique and original is a great way to stand out from the crowd and elevate your presence. Whether it’s an unconventional product placement or an interactive offer, an influencer partnership has the potential for huge success. Take micro-influencer Allison Gappa – her niche is sports and entertainment. However, she also has a keen interest in fashion which is evident in her Instagram photos. She partnered with a local fashion designer where they collaborated on taking different items of clothing and completely transforming them. This was a unique way to share her interest in fashion and also promote the local designer. Hence influencer partnerships are a two-fold strategy that can benefit both parties. By successfully building a relationship with an influencer, you can tap into their highly-engaged following with marketing designed to make your brand appeal to their lifestyle.
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